Arts, Communications and Information Systems

Students focus on the creative process through a variety of mediums: visual, performance, music, drama and written word.  Electives provide opportunities to communicate ideas, interpret media and develop methods of self-expression through project-based classes.


Possible Careers: Actor, Advertiser, Art Dealer, Art Historian, Art Teacher, Cartoonist, Cinematographer, Composer, Computer Engineer/Programmer, Costume Designer, Director, Editor, Exhibit Designer, Film Animation Artist, Film Editor, Framer, Fame Designer, Graphic Designer, Interior Designer, Illustrator, Instrument Repair, Jewelry Designer, Journalist, Lighting Designer, Music Teacher, Music therapist, Musician, Network Specialist, Painter Publisher, Producer, Radio & TV Announcer, Reporter, Sculptor, Set Designer, Software Engineer & Developer, Sound Engineer, Technical Support Specialist, TV Station Manager, Web Designer, Writer